Sally Mann

Send a kiss to u in the air.

Du stal mitt hjärta och bevaras hjärtat... gilla?
<3 my girls so
Din doft
Jag kommer inte att tvätta mina örngott på ett bra tag.
The day I learn to fly,
I am never coming back here.
If you can dream it,
you can do it!
Never have I felt like this today, it was nasty... soo nasty!

Listen to your dreams, they're smarter than u are.
Enjoy the little things in life...
...for one day u'll look back and realize they were the big things.
Längtan efter paradiset är själva paradiset.

Jag mot världen

Larissie ;)

it is never too late to be who you might have been

Good night

Fuckingshit. Sweet!
